Our history


A tipping point

With the largest youth population in history, there is an unprecedented opportunity for young people to take an active role in shaping the future. This generation has inherited enormous global challenges, but has the ability to confront the status quo and offer youth-led solutions for change.

A grassroots network

Born out of the World Economic Forum in 2011 in the wake of the Arab Spring, the Global Shapers Community is a network of inspiring young people under the age of 30 working together to address local, regional and global challenges. With more than 9,000+ members, the Global Shapers Community spans 400+ city-based hubs in 150+ countries.

The launch of the Copenhagen hub

Our hub was launched in 2012 by a group of people committed to bringing the Global Shapers Community to Denmark and ensure that Copenhagen-based change makers under 30 had a forum for collaboration to maximise the impact of their actions.

The rest is history, as they say.


See the official website of the Global Shapers Community here and read more about the World Economic Forum here.